Copiah Animal Shelter's Adorable 2020 TOMATO POOCH PAGEANT WINNER "NUGGET" has graciously agreed to continue his term for the 2021 Year since his reign was cut short due to the Virus Pandemic event rescheduling in 2020. Thank you to Nugget and his owner, Renee Boone!
Congratulations to 2021 Tomato Queen Ainsley Marler and Tomato Pooch Nugget!
Crystal Springs, Mississippi Tomato Festival (Last Saturday in June)
If you are interested in having Nugget speak to your group or attend ribbon cuttings, etc. just message Copiah Animal Shelter on Instagram or email CAS.
It was a gloomy day but that didn’t keep our Crystal Springs royalty from sparkling!
2020 Tomato Queen ANNA ROBERSON is holding our newly crowned Tomato Pooch NUGGET!
Nugget is the son of Renee and Robby Boone of Georgetown, MS. Nugget looks forward to his reign representing Copiah Animal Shelter and the beautiful city of Crystal Springs, Mississippi.
Nugget’s platform is "Adopt Don’t Drop" highlighting the plight of unwanted animals dropped in the wild to fend for themselves. Nugget hopes he will be invited to speak to groups and classrooms about how important it is to take unwanted animals to shelters to give them a chance at being adopted and to never leave them in the woods or on the side of the road. Congratulations Nugget! If you are interested in having Nugget speak to your group just message Copiah Animal Shelter on Instagram or FB or text/call the Shelter phone and leave a message. CAS Phone: 601-954-6447
Owner: Renee Boone
Owner: Renee Boone
Owner: Janice Buckley
NUGGET at the Dairy Freeze
Owner: Renee Boone
Owner: Robin Phillips
Owner: Linda Rainer
As most of you know, Copiah Animal Shelter’s biggest in-person fundraiser of the year, GALA 2020, had to be cancelled for Covid-19 Virus precautions. If you would have purchased a GALA ticket for $25 or reserved a table for $250, donated/purchased a silent auction item, or bought raffle tickets for prizes, then we ask you to make a donation in that amount or more if you can! Visit Or mail in a donation: Copiah Animal Shelter, P.O. Box 366, Crystal Springs, MS 39059. All from the safety and comfort of your home!
May 2020: As we (Copiah Animal Shelter Volunteers) sat here, socially distanced, in this oppressive heat muddling over our unfortunate financial state in this current Virus situation, we found little to get excited about. Flights to tropical destinations have been cancelled, masks are required everywhere, weddings postponed until who knows when. CAS Volunteers decided we needed something fun, something to bring smiles and happiness and generate some funds for Copiah Animal Shelter to continue to care for our animals. The idea of the Tomato Pooch Virtual Pageant was born.
2020 Copiah Animal Shelter's first ever Tomato Pooch Virtual Pageant !!
(Dogs only. Sorry, cats. Yes, the contest has CATegories and we love you, but walking a cat on a leash in a parade could spell CATastrophe!)
The TOMATO POOCH will be selected annually as part of the Crystal Springs Mississippi Tomato Festival. Pageant Category Winners can live anywhere, but the winning POOCH needs to live in the local area to attend events.
UPDATE: The Copiah Animal Shelter TOMATO POOCH Winner may have to be crowned virtually as the Crystal Springs, Mississippi Tomato Festival in-person event, rescheduled once for Saturday, September 19, 2020, has now been cancelled for ongoing Virus concerns. The winning TOMATO POOCH will be showcased on Copiah Animal Shelter Instagram and Facebook Pages, have their picture in the local papers, walk/ride in the Crystal Springs, Mississippi Christmas parade and will be invited to all ribbon cuttings and official Crystal Springs City events when gatherings allow. Pageant Category Contestants can live anywhere, but the winning Tomato Pooch needs to be in the local area.
If at any time NUGGET is not available for an event, runner up WAFER will help out!
Copiah Animal Shelter loves seeing your amazing dogs! The Pageant Entries have spread smiles and fun, shared friendly competition. Congratulations to ALL the Category Winners and to the 2020 Tomato Pooch Winner - NUGGET!
And thank you all for donating to help the animals at CAS!
Questions? Email CAS:
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