Volunteer with CAS and help find loving homes for lost and homeless animals in our local communities.
It takes dedicated people, with a variety of talents, to run a successful volunteer-based animal shelter and help save animals' lives. There are many things you can do to help, such as volunteering at the Shelter and at events, walking dogs, fundraising, chairing/co-chairing a committee, photographing pets and events, decorating for events, cooking goodies for an event, printing/distributing flyers, making posters/flyers, sharing emails and online posts, writing articles, newsletters, and much more.
Please fill out the Volunteer Application and Agreement forms below and let us know what interests you and the times you may be available. Mail or email forms to CAS or bring to a Meeting.
Volunteers under age 15 must be accompanied by a Parent or Adult at ALL times. Parents and children will volunteer together as a Team.
Mailing Address
Copiah Animal Shelter
P.O. Box 366
Crystal Springs, MS 39059
27084 Highway 51 (at Hwy. 27)
Building C
Crystal Springs, MS 39059
(next to All About Animals Veterinary Clinic)
Monday - Friday: 9 - 5.
Closed Weekends and major holidays.
Phone: 601.954.6447
Email: copiahanimalshelter@yahoo.com
Website: copiahanimalshelter.net
Join or Renew Copiah Animal Shelter Membership today, and be a part of saving animals' lives!
Join with other like-minded individuals and be a Member of a dedicated group of Volunteers, who love animals, and want to help the homeless animals in our local communities. Membership is a great way to support the Shelter. Along with bragging rights, Membership provides voting privileges at meetings, eligibility for a CAS Board position and more.
CAS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Membership is tax-deductible.
CAS ANNUAL Membership is now for the current calendar year. For example, if you sign up or renew Annual Membership in May, the Membership is valid through December of the same year. We no longer track and send out monthly year-to-year Annual Membership renewal notices. Choose a furever LIFETIME Membership and don't worry about renewals!
There are several ways to join/renew CAS Membership for your convenience:
• Pay new or renewal Membership Dues ONLINE. Use the online form on the CAS DONATE PAGE: https://copiahanimalshelter.net/donate
• Download the Membership Form (pdf) above to print and fill out or email to CAS. Or hand write info below on paper, with your choice of Membership, and mail in with your check or bring to CAS.
Please make checks payable to Copiah Animal Shelter and mail to:
P.O. Box 366, Crystal Springs, MS 39059
____ Annual Family-$25/year
____ Annual Business-$50/year
____ Lifetime-$125 (furever!)
Additional Donation $ ________
Name ____________________________
Address ____________________________
City, State, Zip _______________________
Home Phone ________________________
Cell Phone __________________________
Email ____________________________
Date ______________
Signature ____________________________
Please save your online receipt or cancelled check for your donation receipt.
Thank you for being a Copiah Animal Shelter Member!
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