Please see the "DONATE" page for monetary donation options online, regular mail, and at the Shelter. Copiah County Animal Shelter, Inc. is a 501c(3) nonprofit charitable organization that is community-sustained and led by volunteers. CAS relies on the generosity of individuals, businesses, fundraising, and small animal adoption fees. Our nonprofit status allows us to apply for grants. Donations are tax-deductible. Loyal supporters and donors and hard-working volunteers are vital to Copiah Animal Shelter's ability to care for our animals and work to find loving homes for them.
Here are other ideas -- More Ways to Donate:
Facebook: Create your own Fundraiser for Copiah Animal Shelter on Facebook. See details on the Fundraiser tab on your personal page. Facebook now processes your fundraisers and donations through PayPal Giving Fund to Copiah Animal Shelter.
Business Partners - supporting Copiah Animal Shelter with a business sponsorship is a great way to help the animals, generate good will, and give back to the community. Your company can help sponsor an event, volunteer at the Shelter as a group, have a donation drive at your office, etc.
Church/School/Other groups - have a donation drive for pet supplies, pet food, money, etc. Classrooms can compete to see who raises the most donations. Fulfill Community Service hours with a project or volunteering.
Sponsor an Event - individuals or business can sponsor/co-sponsor a CAS Event or consider holding your own event like a pet food drive, or bake sale, or donate a portion of sales - call CAS for details.
See the subpages of the "Get Involved" Menu Tab for a general Wish List and Walmart Gift Registry, shopping rewards partner programs, and more ideas.
In-Kind Donations - you may be able to provide goods or services, or your time and talents, that will benefit the animals. Check the "Wish List" and the "Volunteer" Page for ideas.
Automatic Monthly Giving - a budget-friendly, convenient way to give. Please check with your financial institution and see how they would set this up for you. Or the DONATE buttons here on the CAS website also provide an automatic monthly giving option. DONATE | Copiah Animal Shelter
Donations in Honor/Memory of a Person or Pet - donating to Copiah Animal Shelter to help the animals is a wonderful way to honor a loved one. Please see the "DONATE" page for options. CAS will send a handwritten acknowledgement or email for your donation gift to your recipient if you will provide us with instructions like name, street address, or email, etc. DONATE | Copiah Animal Shelter
Leave a Legacy for the animals - include Copiah Animal Shelter in your Estate planning! Official name: Copiah County Animal Shelter, Inc. Please contact CAS if you need more information. 601-954-6447.
Employer Matching Gifts - check to see if you employer will match your financial contributions and/or volunteer efforts. A great way to double your gift!
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